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  • PRIMOPIANO CUCINE joins the "TOGETHER AS THEN" event organized by the municipality of Cinisello Balsamo: a special occasion to celebrate the value of bonds


PRIMOPIANO CUCINE joins the "TOGETHER AS THEN" event organized by the municipality of Cinisello Balsamo: a special occasion to celebrate the value of bonds

PRIMOPIANO CUCINE joins the "TOGETHER AS THEN" event organized by the municipality of Cinisello Balsamo: a special occasion to celebrate the value of bonds

Last December 3rd in Cinisello Balsamo, the Cineteatro Pax was pervaded by an atmosphere of celebration and sharing, thanks to the special organization of the "Together like then" event. The Municipal Administration has organized this evening dedicated to couples who have reached 25 and 50 years of marriage residing within the Lombardy municipality.

PRIMOPIANO CUCINE for the occasion, joined the celebrations and expressed his personal best wishes to all the couples who celebrated this important milestone, recognizing the value of bonds that resist the passage of time, like the one created when you buy your own kitchen.

The presence of PRIMOPIANO CUCINE was a way to recognize itself as an integral part of the local community and make its closeness felt to all those who participated in this event.

Mayor Giacomo Ghilardi and Deputy Mayor Giuseppe Berlin warmly welcomed the couples, starting with the traditional ritual photo, capturing the smiles and emotions of those who, 25 or 50 years ago, said the fateful "yes". The moment was made even more special by the musical accompaniment of the Salvatore Licitra Civic School of Music and by a cabaret show that entertained and made everyone present smile.

We are grateful to the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo for organizing such a significant event which allowed us to share these truly special moments with all the participants.

For more information on the event we invite you to visit the link of the municipality of Cinisello Balsamo.

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